I come to you from beyond the stars. I know that this is difficult for you to understand. But I am very proud to be here, because I have been watching your development. And I feel that all of you have the potential, for it shows in your light.
I have requested to use the instrument, or the man’s body, that you are aware of, that I am using the vocal cords. I am very happy that he has chosen, what he terms, the cream of the crop. It is unfortunate that there is not five times as many people here, as has been gathered. However, I am pleased that you are here.
In the days to come, many changes will be taking place on your planet, and many things will be changing in each one of your lives, and often times you will wonder what is happening. Do not try to break it down, to the nitty gritty, as you understand that to be, of which to this day, I do not understand what that means. But stay on course, as you would term it, and go with the flow. And when things happen to you that you feel are strange or weird, as you would say, (and I hear that word all the time). It’s like the tide that comes along and it sweeps you around the bend of the river, and it keeps you going and keeps you afloat. It is what we are doing with you, because all of you, even though you are small in number, you are part of what was prophesied for years as the meek. For Truly the meek shall inherit the earth.
Religions have closed down the minds of the people all over your planet. And at this time there is a war raging in a far off land, which is nothing in the world but a holy war. All wars that have ever been created on your planet have been holy wars. None of you in this group have ever been involved as a leader in any war, because within yourself, there is a, in your terms, a part of your consciousness, that would not think of creating a war to hurt other people, because they do not understand and believe what you were trying to teach them.
Many of you have been mislead, but you have been lead, not misled, you have been lead back to the path that you are to travel. This is why often times, many of you have these feelings that come over you, and you wonder what it is, that causing you to feel so high or so happy with yourself. It is because you do not stand alone. There has been seven entities, as we shall call them, that walk with all of you in this room. They are the pillars that you can lean on, and they will help you. Visualize them as masters, people that you knew in another time, another place, another planet, another galaxy. They are thousands and thousands of years ahead of you. Highly developed, but working with you at the present time, and we do not wish to make it sound as if we are putting you down, we accept and understand very well that you have been mislead, on your planet for many lifetimes, by what you have finally started to understand as controlling groups, known on your planet as religions.
You are coming out of that energy. You are coming out of that frequency. You are moving out into a new landscape of peace and tranquillity. You are coming into a time that you did not even know existed. Because we have been working diligently, as you understand that term, to bring peace on your planet, and to bring certain people into frequencies that have been unknown to them.
For slowly you are coming to a point in your life, of making known the unknown. And this will be a great day, for us to celebrate with you in the time that is still at little ways ahead of you, as you know time to be. In our frequency there is no such thing as time. We have worked with all of you to bring you to where you are at this time. And we are very happy that we are have been able to sail the ship through the storms that other people have created, and to bring to you at this time in the quiet harbor, where the winds are so much less then used to be.
Some of you will wonder why things are so slow happening with you. Do not be in a hurry. Slow down and enjoy life, as it comes. Don’t try to live in the future because it’s still in the future as you known it. Live in the present. Keep your focus on the grandness that you are. Because in each one of you is a wonderful, wonderful God, that’s still asleep. And yet, it may sound as if I am contradicting myself, but the God that is within you is slowly walking up. You are far greater and more fortunate than others, for within them the God is still sound asleep. All you have to do is to find that space and time within yourself, and address the Lord God of your being to wake up and come forward. And it will do so as a little child, and when it wakes up, it is as like a little child waking up in the morning, and the sun is shining, and the birds are singing, and the child is very happy to do something for its parents. The God within you will do the exact same thing. But you people have been disconnected from God; therefore, God has been asleep within your own body.
And so many people on your planet, the God within them sleeps, from the moment that they are born, until the moment that they die. Never once did they realize that God was there, hidden within the cavity of the chest. You people are so fortunate to know this. And the more you know it, the more you put your focus on it, the better you will be.
Because just ahead of you, is the dawning of the greatest age that has ever been on your planet. It is the Age of Knowledge. It is the Age of Peace. It is the Age of God. For you have been living in what is known to us as the Kingdom of Man. But just ahead of you, as the clouds roll back, and the doors open, you will walk through and across the threshold into the Kingdom of God.
It is the God within you, not some other God that was placed out in space, by religion. You will be visited by entities that are so advanced that you could not imagine in your own mind, how they would be so brilliant. They will not allow themselves to be seen in the present time, because your world is still in ignorance. I say to you at this time to go forward, you will know those who you will need to teach. You will know them by the feeling of the light emanating from their bodies, that they are hungry for knowledge. People will ask you questions, and you will wonder before they finish the question, why are they asking you? It is because their light touches your light, and they just simply know that you can answer their questions. Do not hesitate, we stand ever so close to you, that when the time comes we will put the words in your mouth and you will speak them. This is nothing new, as you know new to be, compared to something old. It happened back in the days that you would call the Biblical days, when your records were recorded in what you call your Book of Books [Bible]. All down through the ages, we have been working with people on your planet, but because of religion, the minds of the people have been closed, and no one has been listening. And we have been knocking on the doors forever, as you would term that time to be.
You are very fortunate at this time, my people, to be on the very edge of a great change. A change that you could not believe that would ever happen on your planet, because your world is in the term you would call chaos at the present time. In your lifetime, and we are expressing this, to all of you in your lifetime, you will see wonders in your skies. You will see wonders on your planet. You will see sights and wonders all over your world. And this, my people, is like the signs and wonders before the great changes happen. It is likened [to] that of a woman who is about to bring forth a child into the world, and she goes through what is known as the labor pains. When you start seeing the sights and wonders, and just beyond that on the horizon, you will see the great changes that will take place. And you’ll find yourself in places that you never dreamed that you would be there. But you are there for a reason, because it would be the safest place for you to go.
Some of you will not understand what I have said, but in time, and before you have seen another seven days, in your count and number, you will understand every word I have said. I will reach out though this instrument, whose body I am using now, and I will touch each and every one of you. And tonight, when you go into your slumber, I want you to remember my words, because I will be with you all.
I leave you with my peace, for I love all of you. |