About mid-way through the séance, Dr. Louis [the Spirit Master of ceremonies] sounded a bit concerned. ”Oh, oh,” he said, “we have a Native American here.” The trumpet went silent for a few seconds, then suddenly there was a tremendous thundering BOOM that blasted through the trumpet. The sound just reverberated though the seance room, as if it were an atomic explosion. I was so startled that I jumped out of my seat. The trumpet slowly began spinning around, almost like a majorette’s baton in slow motion, or as if a person were dancing around a campfire. A Native American chant was coming from the trumpet. “Ah ye ya ha you he yaa.” This lasted about a minute, then the Native spoke.
“My name is Lone Eagle, and I wish to speak to my beloved medium.” It was Carl’s Spirit guide control, coming to communicate with Carl.
“I am here, Lone Eagle.” Carl replied.
An exchange followed. Carl had heard that voice all his life. It had become very familiar to him. But until this point, he had only heard the Chief’s voice clairaudiently. This was the first time that Carl had heard the sound of Lone Eagle’s voice. I don’t remember the entire conversation. I do remember Carl sliding forward in his chair. He said, “I feel that I want to get down on my knees before you.”
The Chief replied, “No, that will not be necessary, I do not wish you to do that.”
The conversation lasted for a few more minutes. Then Lone Eagle said to Carl, “You have much work ahead of you. You are to be a spiritual farmer, planting spiritual seeds of truth. Do not let anyone’s criticism or negativity prevent you from teaching the Gifts of the Spirit.”
Lone Eagle’s words sent shivers down my spine. At dinner the night before, Carl had told me of an experience he had had when he was nine years old. He was working on his father’s farm, hoeing corn. An entity appeared to him and said, “You will not be this type of farmer in the future. You will become a spiritual farmer planting spiritual seeds in the minds of people.” Now Lone Eagle was giving Carl the same message.