Psychography and the Mediumship of Fred P. Evans
To download:
Psychography: Marvelous Manifestations of Psychic Power by James J. Owen
The Mediumship of Helen Duncan
US Presidents and Psychic Phenemona.htm
Download companion booklet to lecture
Download a comparison of Translations of two Bible Verses
Download Jonathan M. Roberts' book entitled: Antiquity Unveiled: Ancient Voices from the Spirit Realms Disclose the most Startling Revelations, Proving Christianity to be of Heathen Origin
To download and read GOTSC's booklet about Zephaniah, the Medium of Endor
To read a web page of Washington’s Vision
To read the original booklet of Washington’s Vision
To download Powerpoint presentation about Washington’s Vision
To download a powerpoint presentation discussing the United States Presidents and Mediumship
To learn about the book: The Haunting of the Presidents
by Martin, Joel.
To learn more about the author Martin, Joel.
To download the Fox Sister presentation from the April 2, 2011 Church Service
To watch a video on the Fox Sisters
To read a first hand report on what happened at the Fox Cottage, a pamphlet
by E. E. Lewis The Mysterious Noises
To read Eliab W. Capron's book: Explanation and History of the Mysterious Communion with Spirits, Comprehending the Rise and Progress of the Mysterious Noises in Western New York, Generally Received as Spiritual Communications, which describes his psychical investigation of the Fox sister's mediumship
To read The Death-Blow to Spiritualism: Being the True Story of the Fox Sisters, As Revealed by Authority of Margaret Fox Kane and Catherine Fox Jencken, the book written after Margaret's confession.
To read excerpts taken from Arthur Conan Doyle's book: The History of Spiritualism Vol. 1
To read Leah Fox Underhill's book The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism
To learn about my experience attending a materialization seance and physical mediumship
To read of what Epiphany commerates and the rituals associated with the holiday..