The Alarm Clock Just Went Off …
Brilliant! A must-read book!, October 25, 2001
By Richard Fuller (Grand Rapids, MI) -
Author and seeker Sidney Schwartz questioned the bible, and the roles of religious leaders, since his college years. His destiny of finding truth, began when meeting Carl Hewitt, a trance-medium. AWAN (Angel Without a Name), a highly evolved Spirit, spoke to the author using the entranced medium's vocal cords. Though a series of unique conversations, AWAN provided ancient knowledge and truth.
Eventually AWAN appointed Sidney Schwartz to be his messenger proclaiming, "You are to write down my teachings in the form of books that will help people raise their consciousness." The first of these books is My First Encounter with an Angel, the results of Dr. Hewitt's extraordinary mediumistic abilities, Sidney Schwartz's curiosity and scholarship, and AWANs astounding revelations.
AWAN's first revelation: "Religious leaders have altered the Bible for their own purposes," inspired the author to research 160 versions of the bible. Much to the author's disbelief, he discovered AWAN was correct. A two word Hebrew phrase was translated 52 different ways in 107 Old Testaments! Mr. Schwartz asks: "If there is so much diversity in the translation of two words, how accurate can the translation of the other thousands of words from the original Hebrew text into English be?"
Another of AWAN's revelations was that the bible is a book of psychic history. The events that theologians label as miracles were really demonstrations of psychic phenomena. What astounded the author was that many of the versions of the bible read
almost identically, however, "... as soon as psychic phenomena was discussed, there is a sudden myriad of differences." AWAN explained that since biblical times, priests were threatened by mediumship. The priest claimed to be the intermediary between God and the people, however, it was the prophet who had the psychic ability to conduct a two-way conversation with God (Spirit).
Sidney Schwartz has given us a mind-opening book. My First Encounter with an Angel offers insight to a new, yet ancient, understanding of God's word. Here is a well-written book that can alter your perceptions, and change your attitudes!