In the early 1990’s a very well-known clairvoyant and trance medium Rev. Carl R. Hewitt summoned the author, Sidney Schwartz to his office. Carl entered a deep trance state, and AWAN, the Angel Without A Name, began speaking. Thus began a series of dialogs, in which AWAN imparted a large body of teachings.
In this book AWAN explains the importance and power of human soul, and provides the vital technique to reconnect with the God-within. Furthermore, Awan discusses seven keys or steps to unlock one’s full potential, and overcome one’s self-created fears. This book also reveals the long-forgotten psychic meanings behind many Jewish and Christian rituals, as well as Spirit’s perspective on the controversial social issues of suicide, abortion, and euthanasia.
AWAN was insistent his theories should not be automatically accepted, and constantly challenged the author to think and reason the theories out against his own belief system. As a result, the author has braided three separate strands into this book. The First strand consists of the conversations the author had with AWAN. Drawing upon his research skills as a librarian, the Second strand is corroborating historical evidence that supports AWAN’s unique theories. The Third strand is comparative analysis of Bible verses from 460 editions of the Bible, which either recorded psychic events, or were examples of the laws and rules the priests had inserted into the Bible.
My Second Encounter with an Angel is a book that will inspire the reader to contemplate and reevaluate, perhaps for the first time, his/her beliefs on many important concepts.