A friend’s hypothetical question is the inspiration for this book "What did Moses See at the Burning Bush?" Did Moses actually see God in the Burning Bush, or did he just see flames? To answer these questions, the author utilizes his in-depth knowledge of mediumship in the Bible, and his extensive study of 461 Bibles. The author’s extensive database of 275,428 Bible verses, allows him to compare the translation of Bible verses dealing with mediumship in the Bible, along with verses prohibiting its practice. Therefore, patterns arise while analyzing this data that often demonstrate Bible translators infuse their personal biases into the Bible’s texts. It also proves almost all translators have ignored Saint Paul’s directive, and have remained ignorant of the Gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:1). Therefore, they make basic mistakes in their Bibles, since the Bible is a history book of psychic science, and the mediumship contained in the text of the Holy Bible remains invisible to their eyes.