G |
God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit
and in truth. |
I |
Instrument is one whose vibrations are sensitive to the Spirit
World, which make them able to convey messages, and produce the phenomena
of the Gifts of the Spirit. |
F |
Faith will be replaced with knowledge and will bring increased
happiness and comfort. |
T |
Trinity is comprised of body, soul and Spirit, which is the
unified symbol of man. |
S |
Survival after death is proved by clairaudience, clairvoyance
and materialization which is the bedrock of religions and on this foundation
our religious knowledge rests. |
O |
Oracles were the ancient mediums that Spirit communicated
through. |
F |
Freedom in thought is a state of mental liberty which enables
truth to be discovered. |
T |
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. |
H |
Healing hands drive out sickness of body, mind, and Spirit.
Healing brings understanding of love's purpose to those who are groping
to find their way. |
E |
Education enlarges vision. Without education we are without
knowledge. |
S |
Spirit World becomes our home for our soul and Spirit bodies
after we move to the next plane of existence, leaving behind our physical
bodies. |
P |
Prayer and contemplation are used by humanity to establish
and retain contact with the source of our existence, the divine mind of
which we are all part. |
I |
Infinite Spirit-the I Am who created the cosmic universe,
and the inner universe of body, mind, and soul. |
R |
Resurrection was not given to Jesus alone, every human will
experience resurrection to the moment of death, as s/he is reborn, to live,
breathe and have his/her being in the Spirit World. |
I |
Inner peace will result if we think right, live right and
do right. Then we shall live in harmony and will be at-one-ment with the
divine. |
T |
Thoughts are things-we create our own happiness or unhappiness
by the way we think. |
C |
Christ consciousness is the absolute of Spiritual perfection.
We use the word Christ to mean anointed, as the man Jesus exemplified. Every
human being has the potential to develop the Christ consciousness within.
As Jesus said " The man who has faith in me will do the works I do
and greater for than these." |
H |
Happiness and harmony are twin brothers that cultivates kindness
and compassion. As we utilize our new knowledge, an awareness of our common
humanity compels us to forgive our fellow humans, thereby creating trust
and good will. |
U |
Unfoldment is the slow gradual evolution of our Spirituality,
towards the perfection, that we are all striving to achieve. |
R |
Rejoice in knowledge, for the truth shall set you free. |
C |
Churches should be houses of learning, where natural laws,
and the continuity of life are studied; providing on open door for free
thinking people to congregate for discussion and exchange of ideas or thoughts |
H |
Help from Spirit is yours for the asking. Ask and you
will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the
door will be opened. |