1. Apports
Numbers 11:31
1 Kings 17:14-16
2 Chronicles 21:12
Ezekiel 2:9-10
Psalms 78:24
Matthew 14:25-26
2. Automatic Writing
Exodus 31:18
Deuteronomy 9:10
2 Chronicles 21:12
Daniel 5:5
John 8:6-8
3. Automatic Drawing
1 Chronicles 28:19
4. Cabinet (Use of)
Genesis 12:7 (altar)
Exodus 33:7 (tabernacle)
1 Kings 17:19 (loft)
1 Kings 22:25 (inner chamber)
2 Kings 4:10 (chamber on the wall)
Matthew 17:4 (tabernacle/tent)
Mark 9:5 (tabernacle/tent)
Luke 9:33 (tabernacle/tent)
5. Clairaudience
Exodus 3:4
Exodus 19:3
1 Samuel 3:4-21
1 Samuel 9:15 [KJV]
1 Kings 19:5-13
Ezekiel 3:4
Matthew 5:1-17
Acts 7:31
6. Clairvoyance
2 Kings 6:12-17
Ezekiel 1:1
Ezekiel 8:3
Ezekiel 8:11
Ezekiel 11:1
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Matthew 4:18-22
7. Disciples Charged to Heal:
Matthew 10:8
Luke 9:2
Luke 10:9, 17, 20
8. Disciples Heal
Acts 3:1-8; 9:17; 14:8-10
9. Divination
Genesis 44:5
Genesis 44:15
Exodus 28:30
1 Samuel 28:6
Ezekiel 21:21
10. Dowsing
Exodus 17:5-6
Luke 5:1-6
11. Gift of Healing
1 Corinthians 12:9; 28
12. Healing-New Testament
Matthew 8:13
Mark 1:21-32
Luke 14:2
John 4:47-54
13. Healing-Old Testament
Numbers 12:13
Numbers 21:8
1 Kings 17:17-24
2 Kings 4:32-37 |
14. Healing-Magnetic Arts
2 Kings 4:29
Acts 19:1-19
15. Independent Voice
Genesis 21:17
Genesis 22:11
Ezekiel 1:28
Matthew 17:5
Mark 1:11
Luke 9:35
John 12:28-30
Acts 7:31
16. Inspirational Speaking
Isaiah 1:4
Jeremiah 1:9
Mark 13:11
Acts 2:4
17. Levitation
1 Kings 18:12
2 Kings 2:11
2 Kings 6:6
Ezekiel 1:1
Ezekiel 3:12
Ezekiel 8:3
Matthew 14:25-26
Acts 8:39
18. Materialization
Genesis 3:8
Genesis 12:7
Genesis 18:1-17
Genesis 32:24
Exodus 24:10
Exodus 33:9-11
Numbers 12:5
Joshua 5:13
Ezekiel 8:3
Daniel 3:25
Daniel 5:5
Luke 9:28-33
Luke 24:15, 30
19. Music
1 Samuel 16:23
2 Kings 3:15
20. Names of Controls asked for
Genesis 32:29
Judges 13:17
Job 26:4
Mark 5:9
21. Promise of Spirit Power Continuance
Joel 2:28
Acts 2
22. Psychometry
John 4:16-19 (from water-pot)
23. Seances Reported
1 Samuel 28
2 Kings 6:32
24. Semi-materialization
Job 4:12-16
25. Spirit Communication (in dreams)
Genesis 28:12
Genesis 31:24
Genesis 37:5-11
Genesis 41:1-7
Daniel 2:47
Job 33:15-16
Joel 2:28
Matthew 2:13
Matthew 27:19
Acts 2:17
26. Spirit Guidance
Judges 3:10
Judges 6:34
2 Samuel 23:2
Isaiah 11:2
Isaiah 61:1
Ezekiel 11:5
Luke 4:18
Acts 16:7
27. Spirit Lights
Genesis 15:17
Exodus 3:2
Exodus 13:21
Exodus 34:29
Acts 2:3
Acts 9:3
28. Spirit Power
Judges 15:14
29. Spirit Predictions
Genesis 15:13
Genesis 17:16-17
1 Samuel 9:15
1 Kings 14: 5
1 Kings 17:1
2 Kings 4:16-17
2 Kings 9:3
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Matthew 24:1-2
30. Spirit Tests
Genesis 22:1-2
Genesis 24:14-19
Judges 6:36-40
1 Samuel 10:1-17
Ezekiel 4:1-17
Acts 4:31
31. Spirit Writing
2 Chronicles 21:12
Daniel 5:5
32. Symbols in Prophecy
Jeremiah 1:11-14
Amos 2:3-4
Zechariah 5:5-8
33. Thought Transference
John 2:1-9
34. Teleportation
1 Kings 18:12
Ezekiel 3:12
Ezekiel 8:3
Acts 5:19
Acts 8:39
35. Tongues
Acts 2:3
1 Corinthians 14:18
36. Trance
Genesis 15:12
Numbers 24:4
1 Samuel 10:6, 10
Job 42:3
Ezekiel 2:2
Daniel 8:18
Luke 9:28-36
Acts 9:3-9
37. Trumpet Mediumship
Exodus 19:13,
Exodus 19:16
Exodus 19:19
Exodus 20:18
38. Voice Vibration
1 Samuel 9:20