How can one find God?
Where is the soul found in the body?
Does life exist after death?
Do ghosts really exist?
Why can’t I see a spirit?
What is the meaning of “angels we have heard on high?”
What is a medium?
What are the Gifts of the Spirit?
Are the Gifts of the Spirit found in the Bible?
Does hell and the devil really exist?
Why is the use of mediumship forbidden in the Bible?
How can one find God? (back to top)
When Jesus taught us: “God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and truth,” (John 4:24) he was trying to enlighten us to the true nature of God. God is not some old man, wearing a long beard, who sits on a throne, in some mythical piece of real estate in the sky. God is within each one of us, a divine spark that is the soul within each human being. As Jesus explained: “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) |
Where is the soul found in the body? (back to top) |
The soul is not a physical part of the body. It is an energy field, a spiritual light that resides behind the breastbone, right next to the heart. In actuality, it is the soul, not the brain that perpetually records all events and emotions of one’s life. Upon death, we abandon all of our physical possessions, money, and friends, since we cannot take anything physical with us to the Spirit World. The only possession we can take with us as we enter a “new spiritual dimension” is the knowledge that we have accumulated during our lifetime. This knowledge recorded in our soul, is our spiritual body of light. That is why knowledge is the passport to heaven. |
Does life exist after death? (back to top) |
This is the primary question that religions have been trying to answer for centuries. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians15: 46, 50 that we are born with two bodies, a physical body and a spiritual body, that we call the soul. When people die, their souls detach from their physical bodies. These souls then begin new lives, in a “new world,” called the Spirit World, (also called “heaven.”) It is important to acknowledge this concept: there is life after death. |
Do ghosts really exist? (back to top) |
Yes, some people refer to Spirit people as ghosts. The Spirit World or heaven, truly does exist. However, heaven is not floating above the earth, or suspended below it, but is intermeshed with our own physical world. Actually the Spirit World in on a higher frequency than our physical world.
Living in the 20th century we know that all matter made up of atoms, that are in constant motion, traveling at different speeds. For instance, a solid ice cube has very slow moving molecules. When the ice cube is heated its water molecules move or vibrate faster, transforming the ice into a liquid called water. Further increasing the water’s temperature makes the molecules vibrate still faster, transforming the water into a gas called steam, which is invisible to our physical eyes. The increased rate of vibration or the speed that the molecules vibrate changed the physical state of the molecules. However, the chemistry of each water molecule has not been altered, during this process.
Death works in the same way. When an individual dies, the vibrational rate of his or her spirit body immediately increases, to a point that it is invisible to other physical people. When the Spirit body enters the Spirit World, the thoughts, feelings, and knowledge of that individual does not change. It is just in a new spiritual body that vibrates on a higher frequency than its old physical body.
Why can’t I see a spirit? (back to top) |
Our physical senses can only detect a limited range of vibrational rates. Within the room where you are reading this information, there are hundreds of sounds and pictures surrounding you that are transmitted from television and radio stations. They are vibrating on a higher frequency than your own physical senses can detect. The people in the Spirit World vibrate on a still higher frequency than the radio and television waves that is also much faster than most people can sense. |
What is the meaning of “angels we have heard on high?” (back to top) |
Most people think that Spirit people or angels reside “on high” in outer space or some place in the sky. This is a misconception. Spirit lives in the “same space” as we do. However their bodies are vibrating in higher frequencies, than our physical eyes can detect. |
What is a medium? (back to top) |
A radio or television is attuned to the higher wavelengths of radio and television signals, and can transform these signals to lower wavelengths that your eyes and ears can decode. Communication between the World of Spirit and our earth plane works on the same principle. Certain people (mediums) can attune themselves to receive the words, thoughts, and visions that emanate from the Spirit World, vibrating on a higher frequency than radio and television waves. It is similar to a telephone call. The caller, Spirit, cannot talk to the physical person without using a medium, who is acting as the telephone. The medium cannot deliver any messages unless the caller, Spirit, is there to start the conversation. The medium will raise his/her own vibrational rate as Spirit lowers their vibrational rate to create a linkage (connecting the phone lines) between the two entities.
The Spirit World is as real as radio and television signals. However, mediums are the only people who can communicate with the Spirit World, since they have at least one Gift of the Spirit. In biblical times mediums were called oracles, prophets, and seers. The words psychics and channelers are today’s terminology. |
What are the Gifts of the Spirit? (back to top) |
They include:
Clairaudience: hearing Spirit
Clairvoyance: seeing Spirit
Prophecy: predicting the future
Automatic Writing: Spirit controls a medium’s hand to write a message
Direct Voice: the voice of the Spirit is heard by physical people
Materialization: Spirit can make its body visible to physical people
Apports: items appear from nowhere
Dowsing: using a divining rod to find water
Levitation: items float defying gravity
Psychometry: detecting a person’s past from an object
Trance: Spirit enters a medium’s body to give a message, Dreams: Spirit provide a message in the form of a dream.
Healing: laying on of hands to cure an illness. |
What is psychic phenomena, and parapsychology? (back to top) |
When God first breathed into the nostrils of man, he became a living soul, or to borrow an expression from the Greek language, he became a living psyche. Psychic originates from the Greek word psyche meaning soul and mind. Therefore, any study about the mind, or soul consciousness is by definition, a study of psychic science.
The word phenomenon signifies simply “a fact or event, scientifically viewed,” such as “water freezes at 32 degrees.” In this scientific sense the plural form is phenomena. Psychic phenomena simply put is any event that happens resulting from the use of a Gift of the Spirit or a psychic gift.
Para is a Greek word meaning “beyond.” The meaning of parapsychology means beyond psychology. Parapsychology deals with those phenomena involving the human mind or personality that is unexplained by ordinary psychology. It is the scientific study of psychic phenomena.
Can a medium predict the future? (back to top) |
The gift of prophecy occurs when the prophet or medium receives a vision from the Spirit side of life, of another time period. The Spirit World is a timeless dimension. Usually, prophets use the gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance in order hear or see the information coming from the Spirit World into our time flow. This information is timeless, therefore, the medium cannot identify the time frame of the information. Unless Spirit provide some seasonal or numerical clue, these visions and messages may be describing an event from the past, present or the future. |
Are the Gifts of the Spirit found in the Bible? (back to top) |
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” Saint Paul proclaimed this extremely dramatic statement in verse 1 of 1 Corinthians 12. Yet, today, the founder of Christianity would be heartbroken to realize that very religion that he helped to establish has so blatantly ignored and disregarded his words.
The Bible is a book of psychic history. From Abraham in the book of Genesis to John in the Book of Revelations, the Bible discusses many people who heard voices, saw visions, prophesied, had prophetic dreams, healed, wrote inspired messages, heard voices from the void, and dowsed for water. Jesus of Nazareth was the most gifted medium in the Bible. He was the only person in history to demonstrate all the Gifts of the Spirit. The Bible often refers to the demonstrations of these gifts as miracles. This was one of the ways orthodox religions could divorce themselves from mediumship. |
Does hell and the devil really exist? (back to top) |
The answer to this question depends on one’s conception of hell. There is nowhere in the Spirit World that is eternally on fire, where souls reside in constant agony. There is also no singular evil entity called the Devil. Orthodox religions created the devil and to instill fear into the souls and minds of the people, to frighten the people into obeying all the priests demands.
The Spirit World is a realm of many levels of vibrations, or frequencies. The Bible records that Jesus said, (John 14:2) “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.” This is misquoted, for Jesus actually said, “In my Father’s house are many dimensions.” Each dimension is on its own frequency.
The Spirit World begins with frequencies only slightly higher than the physical world that we live in. Each increase in frequency provides a residence, or dimension for souls of increased knowledge and enlightenment. When a soul arrives in the Spirit World, it naturally arrives at the level that matches its own spiritual evolution. Therefore, it is imperative for human beings to become spiritually evolved, or knowledgeable, because doing so prepares their place in the higher dimensions of the Spirit World. Climbing the ladder of progression ever higher on its journey toward achieving perfection is open to all Spiritual entities.
The Bible relates Jacob’s dream where the angels were walking up and down a staircase from earth to heaven. In a sense, Jacob’s dream was very accurate. The Spirit World is like a staircase, where a fantastic sifting process occurs. On the higher levels, Spirit people are open to wide ranges of evolved thought. Education is of utmost importance. People attend schools to learn the laws of communication with the physical world, and to learn the lessons of soul progression and evolution. The people on the higher realms of the Spirit World can descend to lower levels by reducing their vibrational rate. In this manner, they can go and help to educate the people who are less fortunate and less evolved than they are. However, Spirits cannot raise their vibration to a higher level until they have evolved to that higher level of thought.
The people who inhabit the lower regions of the Spirit World are totally negative and theologically stagnant. These ruthless, malicious people, such as criminals, whose vibrations are naturally low, reside on the bottom steps of the ladder. These souls cannot advance up the spirit ladder of progression until they have evolved in thought and have changed their ways. This rule is true for every level. If you are a good person, you will live with people of like vibration and thoughts. You will be out of reach from the lower entities, a luxury that is impossible to achieve on the earth plane, especially in metropolitan areas. |
Why is the use of mediumship forbidden in the Bible? (back to top) |
In Biblical times, people often sought guidance from Spirit (God) by consulting a medium. During Moses’ lifetime it happened at the meeting tent.
“And who so ever SOUGHT THE LORD, ASK ANY QUESTION AT THE LORD went out unto the Tabernacle of Meeting.” (Exodus 33:7).
In 1 Samuel 9:9 we read:
“When a man went TO GET DIRECTIONS FROM GOD.” These verses prove that in biblical times, people could talk to God and receive an answer. This two-way conversation was available to all the people, not just a certain few. Orthodox religion sought to deny mankind the opportunity of this divine guidance, when they placed the psychically ungifted priest as the intermediary between God and the people, instead of the true medium or prophet, as God had intended (Deuteronomy 18:15).
The motivation of keeping the people ignorant of the Gifts of the Spirit was greed. The priests of orthodox religions received a handsome reward for being the intermediary (or medium) between the people and God. In biblical times, the people provided a livelihood for their priests. They brought animal and grain sacrifices “for God,” which the priests would eat (Deuteronomy 18:1). The priests demanded the best of food (food without a blemish) for their consumption. (Deuteronomy 17:1)
Mediumship was always a threat to orthodox religion. It was the medium, not the priest who had the Gift of the Spirit that enabled communication with God. Surprisingly, even in biblical times, the priests and prophets fought with each other. Jeremiah (7:21-28) clearly states that God did not instruct the people to bring animal sacrifices to the priests. Amos (5:21 24) informs the priests that God doesn’t want sacrifices any more. Hosea (4:4-9) accused the priests of not teaching the people the truth, and only interested in eating the animal sacrifices.
The book of Deuteronomy was the first book of the Bible to be written down. It contains many laws that did not come from God (the Spirit side of life), but were written by the priests, in an attempt to protect their vested interests. The priests interwove their man-made laws, with the natural laws from Spirit that Moses and the other prophets related to the people. Then the priests claimed that all the laws came from God. This idea is confirmed by the prophet Jeremiah (8:8-9) “But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.” By writing laws into the Bible that forbid mediumship (Deuteronomy 18:10-12) and demanding (in the name of God) sacrifices from the people, the priests were establishing a continuous supply of free food. This permitted them to live a leisurely life, unrestrained from the time consuming responsibility of earning a living. As long as the people could not witness true mediumship, they would not have a basis of comparison. They would not realize that the messages that the priests were giving were not from the spirit side of life.