Gifts of the Spirit |
Clairaudience |
is being able to hear sounds with the inner ear, or mind, that cannot be detected by another human being. Sounds from the physical world register on the ear drum, and signals travel to the brain for interpretation. Clairaudient sounds, which are messages or music, register directly in a specific brain center. |
Clairvoyance |
is being able to see, utilizing the psychic eye, instead of the physical eyes. Spirit People send pictures to the clairvoyant, which registers directly in a brain center, rather than on the retina of the eyes. A clairvoyant can see into many different time spans, even if s/he is blindfolded |
Clairsentience |
occurs when a person receives clear sensing, or knowingness. Mental pictures are suddenly in the person’s mind. Often the person thinks the thought just popped into his or her mind. However, the thought actually originated from a person in the World of Spirit, who transmitted it to the physical person. |
Prophecy |
occurs when the prophet or medium is given a vision of another time period from the Spirit World. The prophet sees beyond the present and describes future events. In many cases, s/he utilizes the gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance in order to prophecy. |
Dreams |
Not all dreams are considered a Gift of the Spirit, but many are. When the physical body is asleep, Spirit People can project images or visions on the subconscious mind. We call these visions dreams. When the dream experiences spill over from the subconscious mind, into our conscious mind, we can remember our dreams. |
Automatic Writing |
occurs when a medium produces writing of a Spirit Person. The medium simply holds a pen or pencil, which suddenly begins to move on its own to write a message, or draw a picture. Spirit controls the medium’s hand just as a teacher places her hand over a student’s hand, to teach the student how to form letters. Automatic writing can be produced on a typewriter, or computer keyboard. |
Materialization |
is the appearance of temporary solidification of ectoplasm. All living things are made up of individual cells. Ectoplasm is the outer, stiffer portion of the cytoplasm, which is in every cell. Under suitable conditions, Spirit is able to withdraw the ectoplasm from the cells of the medium and sculpt it into the shape of a body. Spirit can then animate this ectoplasmic body to speak directly to a physical person. |
Direct Voice |
occurs when people in the Spirit World directly communicate with people of the physical world. A medium is needed, however, his/her vocal cords and voice box are not used. The Spirit People extract ectoplasm from the medium’s body, and mold it to form a voice box, which is then used to speak. There are two forms of direct voice.
[1.] Trumpet Mediumship. A trumpet is a conical device, similar to a megaphone. Spirit places the ectoplasmic voice box inside the trumpet, which is used to amplify the voice.
[2.] Independent Voice. Spirit uses an ectoplasmic voice box without the use of the trumpet. The voice will sound exactly as it did when the person lived in the physical body. |
Psychography |
occurs when Spirit produces writing or images without visible contact with the medium.
It can occur through two methods.
[1.] Receiving written spirit messages through a medium; spirit writing.
- Slate Writing -- occurs when priority writes or draws a picture on a slate. Often two slates that had been washed clean were tied together and a piece of chalk was between the slates. This phenomenon can occur in daylight, but some mediums preferred the slates to be in darkness. This was often achieved by placing the sealed slates in a light proof box. Spirit either write messages, sometimes in several languages, or draw a picture on the slate, or a combination of both.
- Precipitated Art -- occurs when Spirit creates a picture in the Spirit World, then drops its vibration seven levels into our world. Years ago, canvases were used, and the picture would ";precipitate" or form spontaneously on the canvas. Today, colored pencils, felt tipped markers, crayons and 3 x 5 cards are put into an opaque box. The image “magnetizes the essence of the colors,” to produce the picture on the card, which was not drawn by human hands.
[2.] Receiving images of spirits on film without the use of a camera, believed to be caused by spiritualistic forces.
- Spirit Photography -- occurred before digital photography, when Spirit caused their images to form on the film's negative. Often, the photographer was not clairvoyant, and had no knowledge of the spirit's presence when taking the picture.
- Spirit Orbs -- Is an unexpected, circle that appears in a digital photograph that was not seen by the photographer when taking the picture. Sometimes it is caused by dust, however, Spirit can produce orbs in photographs, especially when unusual patterns or a face can be seen in the orb.
Dowsing |
is the ability of a person to find water under the surface of the earth. Using a divining rod, forked stick, or wire, the dowser walks across the ground, holding the rod upward with both hands. At the point directly above the water, the stick will automatically turn downward. Then the dowser receives a psychic impression indicating the water’s depth. |
Voice Vibration |
can occur instantaneously when a medium hears a physical person’s voice. A communication link is connected between the medium and the person’s Spirit Guide. The medium receives clairaudient, or clairvoyant information, and may be able to answer a person’s question, even before the question is asked. |
Trance |
occurs when a medium allows his/her spiritual body to temporarily leave his/her physical body. The medium’s physical body is being controlled, and guarded, by Spirit doctors and chemists. These chemists put the medium’s physical body into a deep state of sleep, similar to the way an anesthesiologist puts a person to sleep before surgery. Once in trance, the Spirit body of the medium leaves his physical body. A Spirit Control then allows another Spirit to enter the body and use the vocal chords of the medium to convey a message. The Spirit gives a lesson, lecture, medical diagnosis, or personal reading. |
Healing |
occurs when the healer acts as a receiver and transmitter of healing energy. The healer receives the healing energy that is coming through the Spirit doctors and teachers, who are knowledgeable in the laws of communication. A healer goes into a meditative state, attuning him/herself to Spirit, as s/he asks to be used as an instrument of this healing energy. Healing will take place when the energy flows from the Spirit doctors, through the healer, who places his/her hands on the patient’s body. This is known as “laying on of the hands”. |
Apports |
is a type of materialization in which physical objects appear where they did not exist before. Under suitable conditions, Spirit People can perform this phenomena. Spirit chemists have the ability to dematerialize objects from the Spirit World, and materialize them in our physical world. When the object materializes, it is very hot. It is similar to an object that enters our atmosphere from outer space. One Spirit control, White Hawk, was asked, "How do you bring these objects here?" He replied: "I can only explain it by telling you that I speed up the atomic vibrations until the stones are disintegrated. Then they are brought here and I slow down the vibrations until they become solid again."[1] |
Levitation |
occurs when Spirit creates a type of energy that is able to lift people, or objects, off the ground, defying the laws of gravity. When levitation is demonstrated, tables, furniture, and even people, can rise in the air, without any physical means of support. |
Thought Transformation |
occurs when the medium uses the power of his/her mind to transform the chemistry of the atoms of an object. All matter is really solidified energy. Certain mediums can change the energy around molecules, and transform the substance into something else. |
Psychometry |
is the ability to detect vibrations remaining on an object. All objects are similar to a tape recorder. When a person holds, handles, or wears an object, a great deal of the owner’s pattern of life is recorded into the object’s vibrations. Remember, everything in the earth plane operates on vibrations, regardless of what it is. Therefore the item picks up vibrations of its owner. When a medium, a person who is sensitive to vibrations, holds an object that belongs to another person, the medium is able to pick up the vibrations of past, present and future events concerning the object’s owner. |
[1] Barbanell, Maurice. This is Spiritualism. London: Spiritualist Press, 1959. p. 142. |