Gifts of the Spirit Church was founded in 1977 by Rev. Carl R. Hewitt, which fulfilled a vision he previously had. On July 3, 1954, as Rev. Hewitt, and a friend of his were driving south along the Blue Ridge Highway, they stopped at a scenic overlook, near Lowgap, just below the northern border of North Carolina. Carl decided to take a hike alone, as began climbing up to the top of the hill about 45 feet higher than the parking lot. As he admired the spectacular view, a man who was dressed in a long white robe began talking with Carl. During the conversation, this stranger told Carl, that he should build a church, which would become a teaching and healing ministry. At that point in his life, Carl was only beginning to learn the truth about his mediumistic gifts, and was not yet an ordained minister. Naturally, Carl was confused by this instruction, and was even more puzzled, when the man instantly disappeared. After Carl returned to the car, his friend kept asking him if he was all right, because Carl’s face had changed, and was shining white. (Luke 9:28-36, Ex. 34:29). This event was even more significant because two weeks before this conversation, another unusual event happened to him. |
While working in the back yard of his home in Connecticut, a white dove suddenly appeared on the roof of Carl's house. Suddenly the dove flew down and landed on Carl’s shoulder. The bird eventually walked along Car’s left arm. Carl desperately tried to take his right hand and pet the bird, but he couldn't’t move his arm. The bird remained at his house for two weeks, and left just prior to Carl leaving for his road trip south. |
Carl had a long and difficult journey to learn and accept his mediumistic abilities. Despite the fact that he was born with the gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance, and often prophesied to his neighbors and friends, the community in which he grew up was stanched Baptist. The entire community believed that Carl was possessed by the devil, because he could foretell future events, and treated Carl as an outcast. It wasn’t until 1951, when Carl was 23 years old, that he met another person who was a medium, and explained to Carl the work that he was to do. Still, it was difficult for Carl to accept, and it was a long process for Carl to finally use his mediumistic abilities to assist people. Eventually, Carl studied to become a minister, and was ordained on June 2, 1972.
In 1977, Carl was finally ready to begin his own church, as he was instructed twenty three years earlier. When he was considering a name for his church, he heard a voice tell him the name was to be: “the Gifts of the Spirit Church,” as discussed in the twelfth chapter of 1 Corinthians. |
Rev. Hewitt’s mission like that of Saint Paul’s is to educate the public by expanding their belief system beyond that of orthodox religions. Most religions want their members to belief their doctrines, we at the Gifts of the Spirit Church strive for a knowingness system. Most of what we learn at Gifts of the Spirit can either be demonstrated, or proven by historical sources. Therefore, we go beyond believing doctrines into experiencing and knowing facts. Through mediumship, Spirit is constantly able to bring forth new and more complex spiritual truths, making the body of knowledge we acquire, dynamic and constantly growing and evolving. Our increased knowledge releases the heavy bonds of the dogmas and creeds, liberating us to live a spiritually fulfilled life. As Jesus said, “know ye the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32). |
Spirit, not Rev. Hewitt chose the name for our Church, The Gifts of the Spirit Church. The KJV Bible states that Jesus taught: "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." [John 4:24 KJV]. Actually according to the Greek and Latin translations, Jesus said, "Spirit is God." Throughout the entire New Testament, Jesus never sanctioned establishing a new religion. In fact the opposite is true. Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the [Jewish] law, or the [Jewish] prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." [Matthew 5:17 KJV]. Jesus said: God is Spirit. [John 4:24 RSV] He did not say God is Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopalian Presbyterian, Mormon, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, or any other religion. The only religion on the planet, which comes close to the type of religion Jesus even mentioned is Spiritualism. |
We at Gifts of the Spirit Church study what Jesus taught: the Gifts of the Spirit. We study the Bible carefully, to learn about the hundreds of psychic events that are recorded within the Book of Books. We understand that the patriarchs, matriarchs, prophets, seers and men of God, recorded in the Bible, were actually mediums, practicing the many types of Gifts of the Spirit. Furthermore, we have discovered that there is a wealth of psychic information retained in the original Hebrew wording of the Old Testament that does not exist in the English translations. |
Jesus came to the world to educate the people about the Gifts of the Spirit. This is why he demonstrated all of them to as many people he could. However, the priests silenced Jesus, before he could teach the "science" behind the phenomena. Therefore, after he arrived in the Spirit World, Jesus chose Paul to be his medium, and taught the psychic science through Paul. This is why it appeared that Paul said, "Fellow Christians, I want you to know about the gifts of the Spirit." [1 Corinthians 12: 1 BECK]. Jesus also taught that we have two bodies, a physical body for the physical world and spiritual body for the Spirit world. [1 Corinthians 15:40, 44.] Our soul is the spiritual body, which is located in the middle of our chest behind the breastbone. This is why Jesus taught: "For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21 KJV]. |
It is not the intention of Gifts of the Spirit Church to convert anyone’s beliefs. We only ask that you have an open mind, to digest our alternative theories, and to use them as an accessory to whatever belief system that you may have. Although every lesson the Gifts of the Spirit Church teaches is from the Bible, not everyone is prepared to hear and accept these truths.